
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

baking resolution

I can't count how many times I've "resolved" (nowhere near January 1st), to bake less.  I associate baking with all the sugar, butter, etc that comes with it, so an easy fix to "get healthier" is usually to quit baking. 

To me, baking is a unique challenge - measuring everything correctly, making sure it all comes together in the right consistency, then making it pretty.  I don't know, it's different than cooking and I like it more.

So for this January 1st, I decided I'd stop trying to force myself to stop liking something, and take my love for baking to a more practical level.  I started yesterday with a loaf of homemade oatmeal wheat bread, and I've got some hamburger buns and tortillas on the way this week.

 We'll see how it goes, but while I have time (and nothing but time), I'm going to try to use my hobby for something besides cakes, frostings, and cookies.  Sounds like a fun project!

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