
Sunday, February 5, 2012

7 quick takes

1. We finally found a church this weekend that meets on Saturday nights - that we actually like! I am really excited about the potential for actually meeting new people.  I have to say though - being alone in Indy with Lane is pretty fun.  We go on dates every weekend and I am more excited than ever about seeing him before/after work.  Feel free to barf now. :-)

2. I started watching season 1 of Damages on Netflix. It's actually pretty interesting - a little mystery and a little scary. Both of which I love.  Check it out if you're ever bored and your husband is at work. Is that just me?

3.  Why is it whenever you're shopping for something specific, it's harder to find?  I'm looking for a black dress (not strapless) for my friend Diana's wedding in late March.  If you see any around that are cute, send the links my way.  I bought this one from Anthro this week but I'm not entirely sold on it.

4. Lane got me the painting below for my birthday. I love it! It says "JOY" in Braille.  We're eventually going to hang it over our couch - I love that we'll have some more color to liven things up.  Since we live in the dark mostly, it's pretty exciting to get some brightness in the living room.

5. Made this cookie dough dip for a Super Bowl party today. Sadly, it's not as good as it sounds! Maybe that's because I've been trying to be healthy and I knew what was in it?  Who knows.  All I can say is I'm extremely proud of myself because I actually threw away - in the trash - my leftover chocolate chips.  

6. The Super Bowl was here in Indy!  People here were pretty excited about it and keep talking about how much better it is than it was "in Houston last year". Apparently to non-Texans, any city in Texas is Houston?  Sorry Dallas!  Also, people think of Texas as one big desert. They think I'm enthralled by rain, like I've never seen it before. Funny. :)

7. I've been thinking lately about how glad I am that I was Ko Jo Kai president years ago. It really prepared me to be a manager and deal with people who dislike my decisions.  Never thought I would say that, but it was definitely a learning experience! I take back all the times I said I regretted it.  It made me into the person I am today, and I now have the confidence to stand in front of people and deliver unpopular news. So - to all you haters out there - thanks!! :)

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